
Source code for

@author: Junguang Jiang
import as scio
import os

from PIL import ImageFile
import torch
from .keypoint_dataset import Body16KeypointDataset
from ...transforms.keypoint_detection import *
from .util import *
from .._util import download as download_data, check_exits


[docs]class LSP(Body16KeypointDataset): """`Leeds Sports Pose Dataset <>`_ Args: root (str): Root directory of dataset split (str, optional): PlaceHolder. task (str, optional): Placeholder. download (bool, optional): If true, downloads the dataset from the internet and puts it \ in root directory. If dataset is already downloaded, it is not downloaded again. transforms (callable, optional): PlaceHolder. heatmap_size (tuple): (width, height) of the heatmap. Default: (64, 64) sigma (int): sigma parameter when generate the heatmap. Default: 2 .. note:: In `root`, there will exist following files after downloading. :: lsp/ images/ joints.mat .. note:: LSP is only used for target domain. Due to the small dataset size, the whole dataset is used no matter what ``split`` is. Also, the transform is fixed. """ def __init__(self, root, split='train', task='all', download=True, image_size=(256, 256), transforms=None, **kwargs): if download: download_data(root, "images", "", "") else: check_exits(root, "lsp") assert split in ['train', 'test', 'all'] self.split = split samples = [] annotations = scio.loadmat(os.path.join(root, "joints.mat"))['joints'].transpose((2, 1, 0)) for i in range(0, 2000): image = "im{0:04d}.jpg".format(i+1) annotation = annotations[i] samples.append((image, annotation)) self.joints_index = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 13, 12, 13, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) self.visible = np.array([1.] * 6 + [0, 0] + [1.] * 8, dtype=np.float32) normalize = Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) transforms = Compose([ ResizePad(image_size[0]), ToTensor(), normalize ]) super(LSP, self).__init__(root, samples, transforms=transforms, image_size=image_size, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, index): sample = self.samples[index] image_name = sample[0] image =, "images", image_name)) keypoint2d = sample[1][self.joints_index, :2] image, data = self.transforms(image, keypoint2d=keypoint2d) keypoint2d = data['keypoint2d'] visible = self.visible * (1-sample[1][self.joints_index, 2]) visible = visible[:, np.newaxis] # 2D heatmap target, target_weight = generate_target(keypoint2d, visible, self.heatmap_size, self.sigma, self.image_size) target = torch.from_numpy(target) target_weight = torch.from_numpy(target_weight) meta = { 'image': image_name, 'keypoint2d': keypoint2d, # (NUM_KEYPOINTS x 2) 'keypoint3d': np.zeros((self.num_keypoints, 3)).astype(keypoint2d.dtype), # (NUM_KEYPOINTS x 3) } return image, target, target_weight, meta


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