
Source code for dalib.adaptation.fda

@author: Junguang Jiang
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math

[docs]def robust_entropy(y, ita=1.5, num_classes=19, reduction='mean'): """ Robust entropy proposed in `FDA: Fourier Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation (CVPR 2020) <>`_ Args: y (tensor): logits output of segmentation model in shape of :math:`(N, C, H, W)` ita (float, optional): parameters for robust entropy. Default: 1.5 num_classes (int, optional): number of classes. Default: 19 reduction (string, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'none'`` | ``'mean'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied, ``'mean'``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output. Default: ``'mean'`` Returns: Scalar by default. If :attr:`reduction` is ``'none'``, then :math:`(N, )`. """ P = F.softmax(y, dim=1) logP = F.log_softmax(y, dim=1) PlogP = P * logP ent = -1.0 * PlogP.sum(dim=1) ent = ent / math.log(num_classes) # compute robust entropy ent = ent ** 2.0 + 1e-8 ent = ent ** ita if reduction == 'mean': return ent.mean() else: return ent


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