
Source code for dalib.adaptation.self_ensemble

@author: Baixu Chen
from typing import Optional, Callable
import copy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from common.modules.classifier import Classifier as ClassifierBase
from dalib.translation.cyclegan.util import set_requires_grad

[docs]class ConsistencyLoss(nn.Module): r""" Consistency loss between output of student model and output of teacher model. Given distance measure :math:`D`, student model's output :math:`y`, teacher model's output :math:`y_{teacher}`, binary mask :math:`mask`, consistency loss is .. math:: D(y, y_{teacher}) * mask Args: distance_measure (callable): Distance measure function. reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'none'`` | ``'mean'`` | ``'sum'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied, ``'mean'``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ``'sum'``: the output will be summed. Default: ``'mean'`` Inputs: - y: predictions from student model - y_teacher: predictions from teacher model - mask: binary mask Shape: - y, y_teacher: :math:`(N, C)` where C means the number of classes. - mask: :math:`(N, )` where N means mini-batch size. """ def __init__(self, distance_measure: Callable, reduction: Optional[str] = 'mean'): super(ConsistencyLoss, self).__init__() self.distance_measure = distance_measure self.reduction = reduction def forward(self, y: torch.Tensor, y_teacher: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor): cons_loss = self.distance_measure(y, y_teacher) cons_loss = cons_loss * mask if self.reduction == 'mean': return cons_loss.mean() else: return cons_loss
[docs]class L2ConsistencyLoss(ConsistencyLoss): r""" L2 consistency loss. Given student model's output :math:`y`, teacher model's output :math:`y_{teacher}` and binary mask :math:`mask`, L2 consistency loss is .. math:: \text{MSELoss}(y, y_{teacher}) * mask """ def __init__(self, reduction: Optional[str] = 'mean'): def l2_distance(y: torch.Tensor, y_teacher: torch.Tensor): return ((y - y_teacher) ** 2).sum(dim=1) super(L2ConsistencyLoss, self).__init__(l2_distance, reduction)
[docs]class ClassBalanceLoss(nn.Module): r""" Class balance loss that penalises the network for making predictions that exhibit large class imbalance. Given predictions :math:`y` with dimension :math:`(N, C)`, we first calculate mean across mini-batch dimension, resulting in mini-batch mean per-class probability :math:`y_{mean}` with dimension :math:`(C, )` .. math:: y_{mean}^j = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N y_i^j Then we calculate binary cross entropy loss between :math:`y_{mean}` and uniform probability vector :math:`u` with the same dimension where :math:`u^j` = :math:`\frac{1}{C}` .. math:: loss = \text{BCELoss}(y_{mean}, u) Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes Inputs: - y (tensor): predictions from classifier Shape: - y: :math:`(N, C)` where C means the number of classes. """ def __init__(self, num_classes): super(ClassBalanceLoss, self).__init__() self.uniform_distribution = torch.ones(num_classes) / num_classes def forward(self, y: torch.Tensor): return F.binary_cross_entropy(y.mean(dim=0),
[docs]class EmaTeacher(object): r""" Exponential moving average model used in `Self-ensembling for Visual Domain Adaptation (ICLR 2018) <>`_ We denote :math:`\theta_t'` as the parameters of teacher model at training step t, :math:`\theta_t` as the parameters of student model at training step t, :math:`\alpha` as decay rate. Then we update teacher model in an exponential moving average manner as follows .. math:: \theta_t'=\alpha \theta_{t-1}' + (1-\alpha)\theta_t Args: model (torch.nn.Module): student model alpha (float): decay rate for EMA. Inputs: x (tensor): input data fed to teacher model Examples:: >>> classifier = ImageClassifier(backbone, num_classes=31, bottleneck_dim=256).to(device) >>> # initialize teacher model >>> teacher = EmaTeacher(classifier, 0.9) >>> num_iterations = 1000 >>> for _ in range(num_iterations): >>> # x denotes input of one mini-batch >>> # you can get teacher model's output by teacher(x) >>> y_teacher = teacher(x) >>> # when you want to update teacher, you should call teacher.update() >>> teacher.update() """ def __init__(self, model, alpha): self.model = model self.alpha = alpha self.teacher = copy.deepcopy(model) set_requires_grad(self.teacher, False) def set_alpha(self, alpha: float): assert alpha >= 0 self.alpha = alpha def update(self): for teacher_param, param in zip(self.teacher.parameters(), self.model.parameters()): = self.alpha * teacher_param + (1 - self.alpha) * param def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor): return self.teacher(x) def train(self, mode: Optional[bool] = True): self.teacher.train(mode) def eval(self): self.train(False) def state_dict(self): return self.teacher.state_dict() def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): self.teacher.load_state_dict(state_dict) @property def module(self): return self.teacher.module
class ImageClassifier(ClassifierBase): def __init__(self, backbone: nn.Module, num_classes: int, bottleneck_dim: Optional[int] = 256, **kwargs): bottleneck = nn.Sequential( # nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(1, 1)), # nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(backbone.out_features, bottleneck_dim), nn.BatchNorm1d(bottleneck_dim), nn.ReLU() ) super(ImageClassifier, self).__init__(backbone, num_classes, bottleneck, bottleneck_dim, **kwargs)


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