
Source code for talib.finetune.co_tuning

@author: Yifei Ji
from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Dict
import os
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import tqdm
from .lwf import Classifier as ClassifierBase

__all__ = ['Classifier', 'CoTuningLoss', 'Relationship']

[docs]class CoTuningLoss(nn.Module): """ The Co-Tuning loss in `Co-Tuning for Transfer Learning (NIPS 2020) <>`_. Inputs: - input: p(y_s) predicted by source classifier. - target: p(y_s|y_t), where y_t is the ground truth class label in target dataset. Shape: - input: (b, N_p), where b is the batch size and N_p is the number of classes in source dataset - target: (b, N_p), where b is the batch size and N_p is the number of classes in source dataset - Outputs: scalar. """ def __init__(self): super(CoTuningLoss, self).__init__() def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y = - target * F.log_softmax(input, dim=-1) y = torch.mean(torch.sum(y, dim=-1)) return y
[docs]class Relationship(object): """Learns the category relationship p(y_s|y_t) between source dataset and target dataset. Args: data_loader ( A data loader of target dataset. classifier (torch.nn.Module): A classifier for Co-Tuning. device (torch.nn.Module): The device to run classifier. cache (str, optional): Path to find and save the relationship file. """ def __init__(self, data_loader, classifier, device, cache=None): super(Relationship, self).__init__() self.data_loader = data_loader self.classifier = classifier self.device = device if cache is None or not os.path.exists(cache): source_predictions, target_labels = self.collect_labels() self.relationship = self.get_category_relationship(source_predictions, target_labels) if cache is not None:, self.relationship) else: self.relationship = np.load(cache) def __getitem__(self, category): return self.relationship[category] def collect_labels(self): """ Collects predictions of target dataset by source model and corresponding ground truth class labels. Returns: - source_probabilities, [N, N_p], where N_p is the number of classes in source dataset - target_labels, [N], where 0 <= each number < N_t, and N_t is the number of classes in target dataset """ print("Collecting labels to calculate relationship") source_predictions = [] target_labels = [] self.classifier.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (x, label) in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(self.data_loader)): x = y_s = self.classifier(x) source_predictions.append(F.softmax(y_s, dim=1).detach().cpu().numpy()) target_labels.append(label) return np.concatenate(source_predictions, 0), np.concatenate(target_labels, 0) def get_category_relationship(self, source_probabilities, target_labels): """ The direct approach of learning category relationship p(y_s | y_t). Args: source_probabilities (numpy.array): [N, N_p], where N_p is the number of classes in source dataset target_labels (numpy.array): [N], where 0 <= each number < N_t, and N_t is the number of classes in target dataset Returns: Conditional probability, [N_c, N_p] matrix representing the conditional probability p(pre-trained class | target_class) """ N_t = np.max(target_labels) + 1 # the number of target classes conditional = [] for i in range(N_t): this_class = source_probabilities[target_labels == i] average = np.mean(this_class, axis=0, keepdims=True) conditional.append(average) return np.concatenate(conditional)
class Classifier(ClassifierBase): """A Classifier used in `Co-Tuning for Transfer Learning (NIPS 2020) <>`_.. Args: backbone (torch.nn.Module): Any backbone to extract 2-d features from data. num_classes (int): Number of classes. head_source (torch.nn.Module): Classifier head of source model. head_target (torch.nn.Module, optional): Any classifier head. Use :class:`torch.nn.Linear` by default finetune (bool): Whether finetune the classifier or train from scratch. Default: True Inputs: - x (tensor): input data fed to backbone Outputs: - y_s: predictions of source classifier head - y_t: predictions of target classifier head Shape: - Inputs: (b, *) where b is the batch size and * means any number of additional dimensions - y_s: (b, N), where b is the batch size and N is the number of classes - y_t: (b, N), where b is the batch size and N is the number of classes """ def __init__(self, backbone: nn.Module, num_classes: int, head_source, **kwargs): super(Classifier, self).__init__(backbone, num_classes, head_source, **kwargs) def get_parameters(self, base_lr=1.0) -> List[Dict]: """A parameter list which decides optimization hyper-parameters, such as the relative learning rate of each layer """ params = [ {"params": self.backbone.parameters(), "lr": 0.1 * base_lr if self.finetune else 1.0 * base_lr}, {"params": self.head_source.parameters(), "lr": 0.1 * base_lr if self.finetune else 1.0 * base_lr}, {"params": self.bottleneck.parameters(), "lr": 1.0 * base_lr}, {"params": self.head_target.parameters(), "lr": 1.0 * base_lr}, ] return params


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